Pomeranian Logistics Centre
Pomorskie, Trójmiasto, Gdańsk, Kontenerowa 21
Grzegorz Paluch+48 668 139 776
Paweł Nosal+48 603 764 412

Contact us
Industrial markets in Poland
Pomeranian Logistics Centre – general information
Pomeranian Logistic Centre Building is located on 21 Konterowa Street, near the Deepwater Container Terminal in Gdańsk (DCT Gdańsk),
Park's description
- Maneuvering yards – minimum 35 m depth
- Ample parking places for trucks and personal cars
- Fully fenced park with 24-hour security service
- Central gatehouse equipped with recording CCTV system
- Railway siding
Rent: Contact us
Technical specification
Contact us
Grzegorz Paluch+48 668 139 776
Paweł Nosal+48 603 764 412
Grzegorz Paluch+48 668 139 776
Paweł Nosal+48 603 764 412
Contact us
Pomeranian Logistics Centre – detailed information (17 warehouses)
Pomeranian Logistics Centre Building 10
Pomeranian Logistics Centre Building 11
Pomeranian Logistics Centre Building 12
Pomeranian Logistics Centre Building 13
Pomeranian Logistics Centre Building 14a
Pomeranian Logistics Centre Building 14b
Pomeranian Logistics Centre Building 1a
Pomeranian Logistics Centre Building 1b
Pomeranian Logistics Centre Building 1c
Pomeranian Logistics Centre Building 2
Pomeranian Logistics Centre Building 3
Pomeranian Logistics Centre Building 4
Pomeranian Logistics Centre Building 5
Pomeranian Logistics Centre Building 6
Pomeranian Logistics Centre Building 7
Pomeranian Logistics Centre Building 8
Pomeranian Logistics Centre Building 9
Warehouses for rent in region

Gdańsk-Kowale Distribution Centre
Pomorskie, Trójmiasto, Kowale, Magnacka 4/15/15a, Pałacowa 26, Magazynowa 7/9
Vacancy: log in
The specified conditions are for informational porposes only and do not constitute a commercial offer pursuant to the law with respect to act of April 23rd, 1964 the Civil Code (Journal of Laws 1964, no. 16, pos. 93 with later alterations).