Terms of use
§ 1 General terms
- Rules and regulations ("Rules") describe the functioning and way of use the website at warehouses.pl ("Website). Terms of the Rules are the only base of rights and duties for those, whose using the Website, without prejudice to the conditions regulated by the binding rules of law.
- The administrator of the Website is Colliers Poland Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, a limited liability company incorporated under laws of Poland, with its registered office in Warsaw, (zip code: 00–834 Warsaw), ul. Pańska 97, entered into the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register maintained by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under the KRS no.: 135840, share capital in the amount of 965,000.00 złotych, with the tax identity number NIP: 5251578590, REGON no. 012425925 ("The Administrator").
- The Website is the Internet platform designed to provide information services (providing information on real estate market through projection of websites, automatically or on User’s request) and other services described herein.
- The users of the Website shall be only the business users described in 2 point 3 herein ("Users").
- Administrator shall provide services to the Users under the conditions and to the extent specified herein.
- Technical requirements for the use of the Information Services of the
Website shall be as follows:
- INTERNET connection;
- Web browser capable of displaying on a computer HTML documents related to the INTERNET through Internet network services.
- Users shall be obliged to respect the prohibition of abuse of electronic
communications and to supply by or to the communications system of the Administrator, the
contents that could:
- cause wavering or overload of the functioning of IT systems of the Administrator or other entities that are directly or indirectly participating in the provision of electronic services;
- infringe the goods of third parties, generally accepted social norms, or which in any way violate the provisions of the law.
- In case of receiving notification by the Administrator or reliable information about the unlawful nature of the data provided by the User, Administrator can prevent access to this data. The Administrator shall have no liability in relation to the User for the damage resulting from preventing access to the illegal contents. In the case of obtaining reliable information about the unlawful nature of the data, the Administrator shall notify the User of its intention to prevent access to the data.
§ 2 Rules of Website's functioning and rules of use of its resources
- Use of the Website by the Users is free of charges, however using of the certain parts of the Website’s resources requires registration. To register, the User shall have an active email account. For registration, the User should fill out the form and send it to the given, in that form, an email address. Upon completion and sending the form, the User will receive the activation link to the account that will provide access to the resources on the Website, which use requires prior registration. There is no way to register an account using an email address formed in the free Internet domain.
- The Website is used to publish information about the real estate market and
information regarding services offered by the Administrator. Services offered on the Website
- presentation of information about lease offers of commercial properties offered through the Website, with the possibility to filing direct inquiry;
- enable placing the order of the brokering services or other services.
- The Website is dedicated for business Users (i.e. Users using corporate email addresses). Natural persons who are not entrepreneurs and employees of entities engaged in competitive business activity against the Administrator (in particular real estate consulting, intermediary services and property management) may be granted full access to the Website only after prior approval of the Administrator.
- The Administrator is authorized to remove any User’s account without any reason only after prior informing the User about his decision. In particular the Administrator shall be authorized to remove the account of the User who on the form referred to in § 2. 1 herein not filed required information, or filed incorrect or false information. Regardless of the above, the Administrator shall be authorized to suspend the account of a User in case suspected of using the data from the Website for competitive business activity against the Administrator, as mentioned in § 2 point 3 herein.
- Use by the User of the resources of the Website in any case, shall not mean the purchase by the Users of any rights to the materials and information contained therein.
- Administrator shall verify any data available on the Website with due care, however, the data may differ from reality. According to above, the Administrator shall not take any responsibility for reliability and authenticity of the data contained on the Website. The User should verify the data acquired from the Website prior to undertaking any decisions based on the data from the Website, in particular business decisions.
- The Administrator shall be no liable for any brakes and interruptions to access to the Website. The Administrator shall be authorized to suspend the activity of the Website at any moment, without notice about the reason of this action. Administrator shall reserve the right to conduct maintenance of the system, which may cause inconvenience or may prevent using of the Service. Deadlines of these works and their expected duration shall be published on the Website.
- If a breach by User of these Rules will inflict any damage to a third party or to the Administrator, the User shall be obliged to repair such damage.
§ 3 Personal data protection
- The Administrator shall be obligated to protect the personal data of the Users.
- The User registering to gain access to the Website’s resources automatically accepts the policy of the Administrator to process personal data of the User, according to the Personal Data Protection Act from 29.08.1997 (j.t. Dz. U. z 2002 r. Nr 101, poz. 926 with later changes).
- The User shall have the right to view his/her personal data at any moment. Furthermore the User shall have the right to change his data or to demand their removal. At the User’s request, sent to the Administrator to the email address mentioned in § 2 point 1., the Administrator shall correct the data filed by the User or shall remove the User’s account from the Website. Personal data of the User, whose account has been removed, shall be deleted by the Administrator.
§ 4 Administrator's responsibility
- The Administrator shall not be responsible in any way for actions or decisions made by the User after his/her use of the Website and its resources and shall not be responsible for any consequences of using information obtained by the User through the Website.
- The Administrator shall be not responsible for any limitations of access due to the technical nature or any other kind of distortion or interruption, which exclude or make difficult to use the Website.
§ 5 Validity of Rules. Changes of Rules.
- Rules shall be valid from the moment of its publication on the Website. The Administrator reserves the right, at any time and in any range, to provide changes in the Rules.
- All changes in the Rules become valid from the moment of their publication on the Website. Each User wishing to use the Website’s resources, declares that (i) is familiar with the Rules, (ii) approves the content of the Rules and (iii) agrees to comply with its provisions.
- Making any changes in the Rules by the Administrator shall be published on the Website, in the section called the Rules and Regulations.
§ 6 Final provisions
- The Administrator indicates that, in connection with the services provides the User the content protected by copyright and law of the intellectual property, and provides the materials bearing the trademarks. The User shall be obliged to observe the law in this regard. Any copying, changes, and play in public shared content without the consent of the Administrator, or the author, shall be prohibited, unless it results from separate agreements or applicable law.
- Any complaints due to the malfunctioning of the website, shall be sent to the email address given in 2 point 1 herein or to the info@warehouses.pl.
- The Users shall be entitled to submit the complaints on matters relating to the services provided by the Administrator.
- The complaints shall be submitted in writing, by registered mail to the address of the Administrator according to § 1 herein or by e-mail to the e-mail address according to 2 point 1 herein.
- The complaints shall be submitted within 30 days from the date on which service was made or ought to be made.
- Correctly filed complaint should contain at least the following
- User's login;
- name and surname of the User and User's address;
- description of the problem giving rise to the complaint.
- The Administrator shall make their best efforts to complaint were resolved within 14 days of their receipt by the Administrator. The Administrator immediately notify the User about the result of complaints via e-mail or letter sent by post.
- In case of violation of the above conditions of the procedure for complaints, a complaint might not be upheld.
- All matters not regulated herein shall be governed by the provisions of the Polish law.